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March 7, 2009

Which U.S. law school is best for "law and philosophy"?

Alas, dear readers, someone sent me a link to a Condorcet polling site, which made cooking up a new poll irresistible.  It tracks IP addresses, so no strategic voting!  And remember that 19th is the default ranking--if you don't want to score a school, choose 'no opinion.'

ALERT:  "L. Green" should have an # for part-time, not an * for 'over 70 in 2009' next to his name!  Sorry about that.

ANOTHER:  Gary Watson was wrongly omitted from the Southern California list--he is now roughly one-third in law, two-thirds in philosophy at USC since this past fall.

Posted by Brian Leiter on March 7, 2009 in Navel-Gazing | Permalink


I just wanted to draw attention to a couple of things regarding the faculty listing for USC. Prof. Gary Watson, who was recently hired from UC Riverside, should also be on the list. Further, Watson, Marmor, and Yaffe all hold joint appointments in law and philosophy.

Posted by: Hrafn Asgeirsson (USC grad student) | Mar 12, 2009 5:46:06 PM

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