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March 10, 2009

Five New JD/PhDs in Philosophy Accept Tenure-Track Jobs in U.S. Law Schools

I was pleased to see the strong representation for law-and-philosophy typesin Solum's initial listing of junior hiring by U.S. law schools; indeed, it looks like the PhD in philosophy dominates all other disciplines among the JD/PhDs in the pool so far!  The new hires are:

Brooklyn Law School:  Brian Lee (JD Yale 2008, PhD Princeton 1999).

Louisiana State University:  Ken Levy (JD Columbia 2002, PhD Rutgers 1999).

Saint Louis University:  Chad Flanders (JD Yale 2007, PhD Chicago 2004).

Southwestern University:  Caleb Mason (JD Georgetown 2005, PhD Columbia 2001).

Villanova University:  Michelle Madden Dempsey (JD Michigan 1996, DPhil [Jurisprudence] Oxford 2008).

It does not appear that any of the new hires are products of JD/PhD programs, and I don't know how central law-and-philosophy work is for all these newly appointed faculty (though I know it is important for several of them).

Congratulations to all!

Posted by Brian Leiter on March 10, 2009 in The Profession | Permalink


Great to see.

Posted by: Chris Green | Mar 11, 2009 12:35:16 PM

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