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November 12, 2007

Jules Coleman (Yale) on Being a Philosopher in a Law School

Another excerpt from Legal Philosophy:  5 Questions, this time from the interview with Jules Coleman:

I have had the great good fortune of being a professor at the Yale Law School for over twenty years now, but there are two things about my experience at Yale that I have not been nearly so fond of.  First, I cannot abide the arrogance and unjustified self-confidence that too many of my colleagues have:  a disease that has spread among law faculties everywhere in the United States.  It seems to me that law professors confuse monetary reward with academic achievement.  How sad--and frankly, frustrating.  The arrogance and self-confidence is too often matched only by pretense.

My suspicion is that this phenomenon is a bit more sui generis to Yale than Jules allows, but I fully empathize with his frustration.

Posted by Brian Leiter on November 12, 2007 in The Profession | Permalink


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